Added v0.5
Send notifications - such as to alert someone when a recipe is finished or if it fails.
Notifications use the Apprise python package. The default notification requires an apprise formatted url, see the apprise documentation for specifics of how to form an appropriate url.
- notification:
url: apprise://hostname/Token
title: title
body: body
from wrangles.connectors import notification
url = 'apprise://hostname/Token',
title = 'title',
body = 'body'
Parameter | Required | Data Type | Notes |
url | ✓ | str | Apprise url. See docs. |
title | ✓ | str | The title of the notification. |
body | ✓ | str | The body of the notification. |
if | str | A condition that will determine whether the action runs or not as a whole. |
A variety of notifications for specific services are also available.